French Sailors in Grundafjörður 10. júlí 2006 09:53 Grundarfjörður - skútur - siglingakeppni The harbour in Grundarfjörður, a small town in Snæfellsnes, is now filled with French sailboats. The reason is the Skippers d Islande boat race and the sailors arrived in Grundafjörður yesterday. The race was founded to commemorate the French fishermen who came to Iceland at the end of the nineteenth century to fish. The race set off last June 24th in Paimpol in France, which is a sister town to Grundafjörður. Because the sailors arrived in Grundafjörður just before the French played the Champion game against Italy in the World Cup, the game was broadcasted on a big screen at the town hall. News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar kjósa sér nýtt þing Innlent Kappræður gerðar upp: „Hann lenti upp á kant við nánast alla í stúdíóinu“ Innlent Kennaraverkfalli frestað Innlent „Ég sé eftir því að nokkru leyti“ Innlent Pútín hótar afdrifaríkum árásum á Kænugarð Erlent Þessi mættu best og verst í þinginu Innlent Sakborningur í Elko-málinu líka grunaður um heimilisofbeldi Innlent Svona gullhnullungar finnast hvergi lengur nema í Grænlandi Innlent Æfing lögreglu og fíkniefnamál ollu misskilningi Innlent Þyrla Landhelgisgæslunnar kölluð út vegna slyss í íshellaferð Innlent
The harbour in Grundarfjörður, a small town in Snæfellsnes, is now filled with French sailboats. The reason is the Skippers d Islande boat race and the sailors arrived in Grundafjörður yesterday. The race was founded to commemorate the French fishermen who came to Iceland at the end of the nineteenth century to fish. The race set off last June 24th in Paimpol in France, which is a sister town to Grundafjörður. Because the sailors arrived in Grundafjörður just before the French played the Champion game against Italy in the World Cup, the game was broadcasted on a big screen at the town hall.
News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar kjósa sér nýtt þing Innlent Kappræður gerðar upp: „Hann lenti upp á kant við nánast alla í stúdíóinu“ Innlent Kennaraverkfalli frestað Innlent „Ég sé eftir því að nokkru leyti“ Innlent Pútín hótar afdrifaríkum árásum á Kænugarð Erlent Þessi mættu best og verst í þinginu Innlent Sakborningur í Elko-málinu líka grunaður um heimilisofbeldi Innlent Svona gullhnullungar finnast hvergi lengur nema í Grænlandi Innlent Æfing lögreglu og fíkniefnamál ollu misskilningi Innlent Þyrla Landhelgisgæslunnar kölluð út vegna slyss í íshellaferð Innlent