Robbie in Love? 12. júlí 2006 11:06 Robbie Williams söngvari Danish media have had a field day over the allged love affair between Robbie Williams and an Icelandic financial analyst called Snædís Guðnadóttir who lives in Copenhagen. Williams is currently touring Denmark and made a statement to the crowd of 50 thousand at Copenhagen's Parken that he was enamoured by a redhead he'd met in the city. According to Danish media, who call Snædís "Robbie's little red riding hood" they met at the bar at the swanky Skt Petri hotel downtown. Snædís has confirmed to Fréttablaðið that this is true but would not comment further. " It's between me and him, just how it should be." she said. News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar kjósa sér nýtt þing Innlent Kappræður gerðar upp: „Hann lenti upp á kant við nánast alla í stúdíóinu“ Innlent „Ég sé eftir því að nokkru leyti“ Innlent Pútín hótar afdrifaríkum árásum á Kænugarð Erlent Sakborningur í Elko-málinu líka grunaður um heimilisofbeldi Innlent Kennaraverkfalli frestað Innlent Þessi mættu best og verst í þinginu Innlent Svona gullhnullungar finnast hvergi lengur nema í Grænlandi Innlent Æfing lögreglu og fíkniefnamál ollu misskilningi Innlent Um 173 milljónir króna á hvern fanga í nýju fangelsi á Stóra-Hrauni Innlent
Danish media have had a field day over the allged love affair between Robbie Williams and an Icelandic financial analyst called Snædís Guðnadóttir who lives in Copenhagen. Williams is currently touring Denmark and made a statement to the crowd of 50 thousand at Copenhagen's Parken that he was enamoured by a redhead he'd met in the city. According to Danish media, who call Snædís "Robbie's little red riding hood" they met at the bar at the swanky Skt Petri hotel downtown. Snædís has confirmed to Fréttablaðið that this is true but would not comment further. " It's between me and him, just how it should be." she said.
News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar kjósa sér nýtt þing Innlent Kappræður gerðar upp: „Hann lenti upp á kant við nánast alla í stúdíóinu“ Innlent „Ég sé eftir því að nokkru leyti“ Innlent Pútín hótar afdrifaríkum árásum á Kænugarð Erlent Sakborningur í Elko-málinu líka grunaður um heimilisofbeldi Innlent Kennaraverkfalli frestað Innlent Þessi mættu best og verst í þinginu Innlent Svona gullhnullungar finnast hvergi lengur nema í Grænlandi Innlent Æfing lögreglu og fíkniefnamál ollu misskilningi Innlent Um 173 milljónir króna á hvern fanga í nýju fangelsi á Stóra-Hrauni Innlent