E-pill leads to death 6. nóvember 2006 14:01 A young woman died and two men are seriously ill after taking an E-pill on Saturday night. The Reykjavik police would like to warn people to stay away from E-pills since the woman‘s death on Saturday night. The two men were brought into the hospital on Sunday morning seriously ill. The police believe they purchased the E-pills from an unknown dealer on Saturday night. Considering this tragic event the police especially warn people against E-pills, this drug is always dangerous to take and people should best leave it alone. The investigation continues and the police will disclose no further information at the moment. News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar kjósa sér nýtt þing Innlent Kappræður gerðar upp: „Hann lenti upp á kant við nánast alla í stúdíóinu“ Innlent Kennaraverkfalli frestað Innlent „Ég sé eftir því að nokkru leyti“ Innlent Pútín hótar afdrifaríkum árásum á Kænugarð Erlent Sakborningur í Elko-málinu líka grunaður um heimilisofbeldi Innlent Þessi mættu best og verst í þinginu Innlent Svona gullhnullungar finnast hvergi lengur nema í Grænlandi Innlent Æfing lögreglu og fíkniefnamál ollu misskilningi Innlent Þyrla Landhelgisgæslunnar kölluð út vegna slyss í íshellaferð Innlent
A young woman died and two men are seriously ill after taking an E-pill on Saturday night. The Reykjavik police would like to warn people to stay away from E-pills since the woman‘s death on Saturday night. The two men were brought into the hospital on Sunday morning seriously ill. The police believe they purchased the E-pills from an unknown dealer on Saturday night. Considering this tragic event the police especially warn people against E-pills, this drug is always dangerous to take and people should best leave it alone. The investigation continues and the police will disclose no further information at the moment.
News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar kjósa sér nýtt þing Innlent Kappræður gerðar upp: „Hann lenti upp á kant við nánast alla í stúdíóinu“ Innlent Kennaraverkfalli frestað Innlent „Ég sé eftir því að nokkru leyti“ Innlent Pútín hótar afdrifaríkum árásum á Kænugarð Erlent Sakborningur í Elko-málinu líka grunaður um heimilisofbeldi Innlent Þessi mættu best og verst í þinginu Innlent Svona gullhnullungar finnast hvergi lengur nema í Grænlandi Innlent Æfing lögreglu og fíkniefnamál ollu misskilningi Innlent Þyrla Landhelgisgæslunnar kölluð út vegna slyss í íshellaferð Innlent